
Financial Management for Non–Financial Managers
Course Objectives
At the end of the Course, participant managers:
- would have greater knowledge and understanding of the finances and budget processes of the company; and
- would be enabled to manage financial resources more efficiently.
Course Outline
- Sound knowledge and understanding of corporate financial regulations and guidelines
- Knowing and understanding the Corporate Budget:
- Preparation and approval process
- Income /revenue from all sources
- Expenditure – regular/recurrent
- New expenditure/investment
- Analysis of the Corporate Budget
- Knowing, Understanding, and Implementing Departmental Budget ∙ Variation of Approved Budget – required procedures for approval ∙ Internal and External Auditing
- Monthly Financial Report to Management Board
- Responsibility for General Management of all Resources of finance, plant, equipment, material and personnel.
Senior Managers of Enterprises.
CAGI, in consultation with human resource managers and trainers, has revised its training programme, and is offering the following training courses, to be delivered by a core of able and experienced trainers.
Apart from the above multi-enterprises courses, CAGI offers tailor-made courses for individual enterprises at internal or external venues. Download our Training Programme to view complete course descriptions and prices.COST for each Course:
Members: $15,000 for each participant per day;
Others: $18,000. for each participant per day.