Skills In Negotiations, Conflict Management and Dispute Resolution in Conciliation/Mediation
By the end of the course participants would have acquired:
- `An understanding the dynamics of conflict,
- knowledge of best practices in negotiations,
- the capability to participate in conflict management and dispute resolution processes including conciliation/ mediation, and arbitration.
- Improved skills in persuading, influencing and reconciling disputing parties.
- The conflict dynamics
- Approaches and processes in conflict management.
- Negotiations in practice – a demonstration model
- An Introduction to Conciliation/Mediation
- Various Conflict Management Processes
- The Negotiation Process – Styles, positions, needs, expectations o Mediation in practice – a demonstration model
- Skills Development- Listening, Paraphrasing
Laundering Language, Reality Testing, Joint Problem-Solving, Brainstorming Solutions - Arbitration in practice – a demonstration model
- Becoming a skillful negotiator and conciliator/mediator
- Case studies and role plays interspersed in the various elements of the course o Self-evaluation, and course evaluation, closing exercise, presentation of certificates
Human Resource Managers/Officers, Managers and all who participate in negotiations with Trade Unions, and at Conciliation/mediation meetings, and Conciliators
CAGI, in consultation with human resource managers and trainers, has revised its training programme, and is offering the following training courses, to be delivered by a core of able and experienced trainers.
Apart from the above multi-enterprises courses, CAGI offers tailor-made courses for individual enterprises at internal or external venues. Download our Training Programme to view complete course descriptions and prices.COST for each Course:
Members: $15,000 for each participant per day;
Others: $18,000. for each participant per day.