The National System of Industrial Relations
By the end of the course participants would have acquired: `
- a deeper understanding of the national system of industrial relations, • knowledge of current labour laws and best practices in conduct of industrial relations,
- greater understanding of the implications of legal and contractual obligations in employment relations,
- Improved capacity for the conduct of sound industrial relations. COURSE CONTENTS:
- The National System of Industrial Relations in Context
- Historical Background from the British Tradition
- The principles of the voluntary tradition
- Labour Legislative framework
- The influence of International Labour Standards
- Regional and other International Standards
- Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining in Context • Dispute settlement in the private and public sectors – means, procedures and methods.
- Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) in civil society
- Managing relations with trade unions, and administration of collective labour agreements
- Labour Institutions, Offices and Powers of Authorities established under labour laws.
- Principal labour legislation:
- Trade Union Act.
- The Labour Act
- The Essential Services Act
- The Trade Union Recognition Act
- Termination and Severance Pay Act
- Prevention and Discrimination Act
- Occupational Safety and Health Act
- National labour policy and its influence on enterprise policy and practice
- Social dialogue leading to enterprise partnerships
- How can I become a more effective industrial relations specialist?
- Self-evaluation, and course evaluation; Certificate of Participation.
Industrial Relations Officers, Personnel Managers/Officers, Human Resource Managers/Officers
CAGI, in consultation with human resource managers and trainers, has revised its training programme, and is offering the following training courses, to be delivered by a core of able and experienced trainers.
Apart from the above multi-enterprises courses, CAGI offers tailor-made courses for individual enterprises at internal or external venues. Download our Training Programme to view complete course descriptions and prices.COST for each Course:
Members: $15,000 for each participant per day;
Others: $18,000. for each participant per day.